Charitable Activities
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Charitable Activities
Lanyang Food Donation Vegetable Meat Burger Lunch Box 6 Boxes


     The new crown epidemic is gradually slowing down,蘭揚食品感謝二年多以來疫情期間醫護人員的辛勞,捐贈植物肉漢堡餐盒給慈濟醫院新店院區醫護人員Lan Yang has long been promoting the concept of a healthy vegetarian diet, and Tzu Chi Hospital itself also promotes vegetarianism, providing plant-based meat burgers and French fries as a vegetarian set meal, injecting full energy and health into medical staff through the power of food.

plant meat burger
Packed Vegetable Meat Burger Meal Box
Make a Plant-Based Burger Meal Box
Group photo of the team making plant-based burger lunch boxes
Lanyang Foods donated lunch boxes to Xindian Tzu Chi Hospital for a group photo
Lanyang Food Donation Vegetable Meat Burger Lunch Box 6 Boxes