圖左 維根世代漢堡排;圖中元氣輕蔬餃;圖右紅藜蔬肉珍珠丸 2024國際台北食品展於6/26日於南港展覽館盛大開展,以「未來食品」、「食安永續」、為主題,蘭揚食品作為台灣在地食品企業,深耕食品界40
圖左 維根世代漢堡排;圖中元氣輕蔬餃;圖右紅藜蔬肉珍珠丸 2024國際台北食品展於6/26日於南港展覽館盛大開展,以「未來食品」、「食安永續」、為主題,蘭揚食品作為台灣在地食品企業,深耕食品界40
蘭揚食品「紅藜蔬肉珍珠丸」5/10-5/13首登國際蔬食文化節 2024國際蔬食文化節5/10-5/13在台北世貿一館展出,本次展覽蘭揚食品以全新蔬食品牌「蘭田蔬食LAND TEN Veggie」
蘭揚食品與TAITRA外貿協會合作低碳包裝,以植物肉系列8支產品,作為低碳包裝的先行者 在全球高度重視環境永續的背景下,蘭揚食品於2018年開始建立獨立蔬食廠房,2021年正式投入生產,並
專為小家庭準備的小家庭蔬食年菜組,9道14包輕鬆好團圓。 新聞摘要: 新春送禮不僅是傳達情意和感謝,也同時代表對親朋好友的祝福。蘭揚食品旗下全新品牌「蘭田蔬食」致力提供高品質蔬食料理,運用蔬食結合
#蘭揚食品 綠色飲食倡導品牌 讓喝湯成為實踐綠色生活的一種飲食方式 新聞摘要: 最近天氣越來越冷,湯控們終於等來吃鍋喝熱湯的冬天了~一碗熱騰騰的營養湯品可以讓身體快速溫暖起來,美味好喝的湯頭也帶來滿滿
蘭揚食品陸董事長與何總經理合照 新聞摘要: 蘭揚食品提供超過百樣冷凍即食調理食品,解決沒時間下廚又不想外出用餐的煩惱 創辦人陸根田董事長為土生土長的宜蘭人,由農家出身,經過40年努力耕耘,成為產品銷售
Thank you to the United Daily News for reporting the news summary. Lanyang Food has joined hands with the Department of Business Management of Ming Chuan University to jointly strengthen the connection between academic and practical work. Students will be guided to use their creativity and marketing knowledge in the classroom, through blog articles, social posts, and short videos. Audio-visual and other methods to actually market products to cultivate more competitive future professionals
Wigan Generation Burger News Summary The third Future Market was grandly launched in Songshan. This time, 40+ new brands have joined, gathering Bib Gourmand recommendations, must-visit Japanese tourists, IG check-in online beauty stores, and popular online stores. Invite everyone to eat vegetarian food and love the earth. Limited handmade products are also launched in the "Future Market".
Thanks to the United Daily News for reporting the news summary. Lanyang Foods is a local food company with a history of 39 years. It is famous for its innovative research and development and high quality. three cores,