Charitable Activities
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Charitable Activities
蘭揚食品X更生少年關懷協會 蘭揚捐贈冷凍食品至新北市少年培力園
Rehabilitation Youth Care Association


Reborn boy
Reborn boy

Lanyang Food adheres to the vision of giving back to the society, and the team is led by Chairman Lu Gentian積極推動公益活動,於8月初寄送冷凍食品至新北市少年培力園做活動使用,產品包含「柚香蓮藕」、「上品蕈菇養生湯」、「維根世代漢堡」、「元氣輕蔬餃」、「黃金松子藜麥燉飯」、「藜麥毛豆糙米炒飯」、「香醇黑芝麻糊」,希望透過美食支持迷途少年,鼓勵他們走出低迷的過往,迎接重啟的人生。


What does the Rehabilitation Youth Care Association do?

Rehabilitation Youth Care AssociationDedicated to caring for children and teenagers who are detained in Taipei Juvenile Care Center due to violations of the law, it provides a variety of professional services and builds a protection system to help teenagers reduce harm and avoid the risk of recidivism.

Since most people believe that rehabilitated juveniles are punished for committing crimes, it is difficult to imagine the complex reasons behind it. Not every child has a sound family and can grow up safely and healthily. Some children have survived in extremely high-risk environments since childhood and deviated from normal learning and development. track, and eventually enter the judicial correction system due to crime. The Rehabilitation Youth Care Association provides preventive and empowering development services based on "prevention is better than cure" and has been accompanying the children through risks and difficulties for 30 years.

Will coffee in the future be a coffee shop open for business?

In the context of rapid social changes, some teenagers are facing challenges in finding jobs such as insufficient academic qualifications and skills after being released from school. Feeling this,In 2016, the Rehabilitation Care Association established the Future Coffee Dream cafe. The cafe in Zhongshan District provides an environment for these teenagers to cultivate their sense of responsibility and patience by making meals, drinks and interacting with guests, hoping to help them return to society. . 11/2-11/5 Future Coffee will hold a 30th anniversary special exhibition"I will meet you on the road of choice again.", interested people can follow their Facebook to get more detailed information.


Lanyang Food attaches great importance to social care and sustainability issues, and hopes that small donations can give young people courage and bless them to overcome obstacles in the future.
